
Hot Blood Workout

So on Nov. 3rd Tre' and I went to see Aural Vampire in concert. *A*
When we got there, we met up with some friends, Huart, BT, and my new friend, Gwyn.
My other two friends Mike and Kozi were on their way to the show, I had their tickets.
When the doors opened Tre' and I had to wait out of line for Mike and Kozi, you see, the parking was such a bitch to find. ( ; n ;)
When we met up with them is started to rain. D:
So the four of got caught in the rain before the show, ick.
Once we got in, we met back up with Huart's group and waited for the show to start.
We were all so happy when the show started, and Aural Vampire was the first act!
They played fantastic. ( * W *)
Exo-Chika is so pretty in real life!
And Raveman has the coolest mask! I really liked his style also.
They played really good songs! 3 of my favorites to be exact. <3
After they left the stage, we saw Exo-Chika walking out the door, we flailed and yelled excitedly until one of the staff members pointed up out to her.
She smiled and made a heart with her hands at us. We were dying of happiness. :D
After that, we all headed to buy merch. I got a lovely shirt. c:
After everyone bought their merch, we waited for the signing.
When we saw them come out, we all got excited and giddy!
We got pictures, shit signed, and hugs from Exo-Chika, it was pretty amazing.♥
After the signing, Kozi and Mike had to leave.
Tre' and I + Huart's group all decided to go to McDonald's then Kareoke. We had lots and lots of fun that night. :D
And I really hope we can all meet up again.
But now, here are the pictures!
Before the show:

Huart - Gwyn - BT

Gwyn - Tre' - Me

Gwyn and my excited faces. xD

Aural Vampire and I. *u*

Tre', Exo-Chika, Raveman, Me

Group shot! :D


McDonald's. c:

Before Kareoke

During Kareoke

And this is the shirt I got. :D


  1. Ohhhh <333 I'm so glad you guys had a lot of fun! I heard that not a lot of people came to see aural vampire, just a bunch of scene people for the other bands. Which is really good thing, cause you guys had more time to be with them at the meet up!

    Raveman looks so badass! DD:

  2. Ohhhh I wanna see Aural Vampire so bad T^T
    Their music is just so beautiful <3

    Glad you had a good time ^^
    And your outfit was so cute too :D

