So, I know I've talked about weight loss and lossing weight of my blog before, but it's a new year, and I'm tired of not liking my body.
Starting after I can go shopping next, I'm changing my diet.
Right now, I eat a lot of frozen means, and most of those meals are pizza of some kind.
That isn't the shit I need to be eating to be a healthier me!
Oh, and it's not just about the weight loss anymore, I actually want to be healthy. :3
Anyways, I'm going to start cooking all my meals, or eating healthy things that don't include frozen pizza.
I already made a list of some healthy meals I want to make. c:
I also want to start cooking with more groud turkey because it is healthy and tastes good, so turkey burgers, here I come!
So this is currently what my body looks like:
( Q ^ Q ) Ick!
Last time I weighed myself, I was somewhere between 160-161lbs.
I hope to get in the 140s.
And I don't want to hear, "Omg Leena, you would be too skinny, blah,blah,blah!"
My mother is 5"11 (2 inches taller than me) and she is in the 140s and looks thin and healthy, so it's not a crazy goal.
I hope that everyone will suppost me in my journey to love myself and my body.♥
Hello. c:
Yesterday I finally got out of the house~!
I went and hungout with my friend Nick for a majority of the day.
He's one of my honey's best friends, they call each other brothers. :D
Since dating Tre', Nick and I also became good friends.
Anyways, we went to the movies and saw Inception.
It wasn't a bad movie at all! Very suspenseful.
Through half of the movie we talked about how cool and handsome Joseph Gordon-Levitt looked.
I mean, he really looked sharpe and cool. *u*
After the movie we went and ate at KFC.
It was yummy, but the place was so nasty and unclean. D:
After that we went back to his house and played a video game.
It was nice to get my mind off of things that plaque me at my house.
Other than that, all I have to update is about my darling moving out. ( ; A ; )
Its not for any bad reasons! We are still together.
Just, things will be better for him at his Dad's house, specially with how things are here.
I will miss him like fucking crazy! I already miss him now and he's only been gone a week and a half.
I just have to keep telling myself its for the better and that we will still visit eachother.
And its not a permenant solution, its just until we can save up enough to move out on our own.
So as of right now, I'm holding up okay, two days ago I was falling apart. ;^;
"However far away, I will always love you."